Saturday 24 January 2009

oops, i could not wait.

first, i want to wish everyone a very happy chinese new year of the ox! i dont know why feng shui specialists say that this year is going to be better and easy-going than the last. the ox is simply a hot-headed and stubborn character! though, most of the time patient with a big heart. so shall we hear it from me impromptu consultant, that this year of the ox is going to be a testing time, though if faced with patience, theres a generous return to reap!

anyway, the point is, look at my new layout - featuring me (and brought to you by the colour blue)! honestly i dont know how some people do it, it feels like self-promotion, to have your own face plastered all over. this cosplay hobby of mine has gone out of hand - if you notice, most of my characters in the top banner are blonde, so i actually have VERY LONG, MEDIUM LONG, and SHORT blonde wigs. i have other colours too like pink, purple, blue, red, and brown.

i have also resurrected the music player (in sparkly blue, of course), and rearranged the nuffnang ads. i would like to thank everyone who have been supportive of the site (and ads) - i just have one more favour to ask of you: could you pretty please answer the poll on the sidebar? thanks~!

so what do you think about the layout? i know the name ALIS has nothing to do with blue theme (autumn is orange red, summer is yellow) but that is just the title for the blog, so dont let it mess with your eye coordination. XD


Clow said...

Wishing you a prosperous new year and Gong Xi Fa Cai!

My blog layout sucks... TT_TT

Josephine said...

Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Nice layout!

Lyle Gogh said...

and angpow mari sini

MeLC said...

Happy Chinese New Year to you too! I really like the banner with pictures of you in cosplay mode. =P

DuchessD said...

Awesome layout, girl!! :3 Great job~ ^3^b

*looks for the poll*

"Is there a poll?" D:

あきこ said...

clow> happy new year to you too!

josephine> thanks~ you collect lotsa angpow yea! XD

serge> mana? mana? *grabs his wallet*

melc> hahaha~~ thanks, as long as it doesnt make me vain. have an ox-spicious niu year!

night> arigatou! ah, the poll is in the sidebar.. move a bit lower lol.

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