Friday, 3 April 2009

[ ALIS ] March report

"wah, since when did your blog become so boring must have monthly report wan?" you might think. but no, i simply adore my web counter to which i last reviewed here. so i am showing you what information i managed to collect with the counter after almost a month. (its interesting yo~)

By traffic: Month
DatePage ViewsUnique Visitors
March 2009 1138 747

since i was blogging a lot less in march, i suppose i'll have to be satisfied with 700+ uniques instead of the average 1k previously. oh well, at least 1k+ hits to console myself with. D:

By system: Browser language (top 10 out *of almost 70*)
Browser LanguageUnique Visitors (%)
English / United States 63.3%
English / United Kingdom 22.6%
French 6.1%
Japanese 3.4%
German / Germany 2.7%
English 1.9%
Spanish / Spain 1.9%
German 1.7%
English / Malaysia 1.6%
Portuguese / Brazil 1.5%

hah! i had not realised that the french and japanese visits my blog too. but since it can record up to 50 languages, these are the languages that did not make up most of my readers (less than 1.4% or minimum 5 readers): Polish, Chinese, Italian, Russian, Turkish. i guess the language barrier does not matter in the cyberworld. XD *note: not all languages represent the country of origin*

By website: Referer (*out of 130+ links!*)
most of them are and multinational extensions. making to the top 50 the entire list were about 30 blogs (most, if not all, are friend's blogs).
OMG. i made a HUEG mistake. i just counted. records way more than 50 data per category! (i assumed it was 50 coz i could not care less to count.) please forgive my inaccuracy. all you people must start loving NOW. *bow*
anyway, one item that got me puzzling was this (ranked at about #80+ today, but has been recorded since march):
Traffic by RefererUnique Visitors 1

well, there are many other categories in each traffic, system and website, but we dont want a long post long, right? (perhaps i'll next research how many words is best for a post, minimum and maximum. XD)

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