roll in bed roll in bed roll in bed
msn games msn games msn games
eat eat eat onomnomnom
shower shower shower shaaaaa
eat in rush eat in rush eat in rush
bag key car drive drive drive
wrong way u-turn u-turn u-turn
jam jam jam rush rush rush
from LRT to ERL to KLIA
domestic to international
gate gate gate wait wait wait
wait wait wait call call call
wait wait wait ...
... wait wait wait
tweet walk tweet stand tweet stare
wait wait wait ...
... wait wait wait
music repeat music repeat music repeat
missed call without ring ring ring
return call relieved talk talk talk
happy hungry tired sit teary tweet
type type type type type type
walk ask walk ask walk ask
snap photo snap photo snap video
buy ticket snap photo sit wait
wait in bus wait wait wait
radio radio bumpy bumpy radio bumpy
bumpy bumpy toll bumpy bumpy toll
blog blog blog radio radio radio
read mina read mina read mina
nap nap snap snap walk walk
KL Sentral McD Burger King float
LRT LRT LRT walk walk car
phone phone phone yell yell yell
drive drive brake brake brake drive
home home home.
*see how my blogging skills have reduced to a string of repetitive words. ヾ(o゚x゚o)ノ
Wow gee, I thought this was a song or something. O_O This post did a good job of telling what happened. It sounded really hectic...
Must be an exhausting day x.x
I just read this post and I realized that it was the day that I arrived in KLIA. xD Poor poor you you. At least, we got to hang out hang out and talk talk alot alot alot though. =D
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