motr and i did some silly card tricks with extra MTG cards (connected 20 cubes with no adhesive whatsoever!):
yours truly, akiko is having some fun trying out the new katyusha and blue wig that i had recently sew and styled:
minori's orders from amazon japan (!) arrived on monday: *breathes tokyo air*
some of my favourite books that i had lovingly wrapped up recently:
that's all for today - i'll come around to post one or two more in between exams. currently using the internet from college computer lab only.
that thing is called a Menger Sponge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menger_sponge which is quite interesting on it's own. the trend to do this with MtG cards started with http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/arcana/91 and develop into http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtgcom/arcana/1579 which seems pretty pointless to me. i'd rather give away these common/unused cards for free to beginners (or people who don't play... yet)
btw what was in the Amazon.jp box?
omg so smexy <3
j00 are making me bleed profusely.
gray> i find it a waste too. but its fun once i got the hang of it and it begins to get more challenging. ^__^ but i dont suggest you (or anybody for that matter) donate any spare cards for me to build more merger sponge.
kclee> saved! XD
*nose bleed indeed*
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