Monday 26 April 2010

wrapping books again...

last fortnight, just a couple days before my final exam paper of the semester, i was getting bored of reading notes and decided to start wrapping some of my favourite books which i have left in the bookshelf unwrapped for around a year now.

among the titles you see here are Chobits (original japanese manga), the baby-sitters club, nancy drew (both series are the early prints, now rare), and a book each from Pseudonymous Bosch and Trenton Lee Stewart (who are authors of really interesting children's books). nope, nothing chic lit or intelligent literature from me.

i will always love children's books and collecting old (children's) books too.


MeLC said...

Hmmm...two of the books seem veeery familiar. =P

あきこ said...

those are BSC mystery series. XD

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