Friday, 1 July 2011

Beautiful BodyLine~

a few months back, BodyLine's fellow faithful followers must have noticed a steady stream of new prints churning out on the Rakuten site before being updated to the international site. but i know, from long ago (at least a year ago when the infamous Carousel JSK was sold out) BodyLine is most likely able to jump on the lolita trend bandwagon which more members of the lolita community can accept as... Beautiful.

this spring and summer, BodyLine has find their way into my heart again, with more prints original then ever! sure, occasionally they have some 'similarity' to upmarket brand prints and designs such as Angelic Pretty, but i doubt you wouldn't mind much if you weren't a brand whore. just wear what you wish and love!

squirrels and birthday cake? i do wonder how do you name this print~ AND did you notice the wig? ♥

cosmetic/perfume prints similar to Metamorphose and Angelic Pretty.

strawberry prints similar to Angelic Pretty, but nothing that would harm you~

it would not be uncommon to find a teddy bears print~

the infamous BodyLine Carousel JSK is returning with a new colourway: purple!

well, these are the latest prints from BodyLine which have caught my eye (and most likely my lolita friends). if you want to join a group order (within Malaysia), you can be sure that i'll always be around for the next BodyLine GO~

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