Monday 26 November 2012


who are BatsuとMaru? akiko (that's me!) and gixxer are the two members who founded the team. ba-tsu-to-ma-ru is a direct translation from japanese meaning X-and-O, as in tic-tac-toe or could also interpreted as hugs-and-kisses. the name represents the two of us who work together.

we make videos where we interview people in Malaysia who share the same Japanese interests, whether fashion, dolls, cosplay, etc. i do most of the appearance, while gixxer does most of the editing. you can  support us by subscribing to our Youtube channel or Like our Facebook page (or click on Donate button).

so far, we have covered only a few personalities in our videos, namely Herman/Misao (cosplay photographer), half a dozen cosplayers (about how they started and a little on local cosplay future), and two PMCG founders (military cosplayers).

there are several upcoming events the BatsuとMaru team planned to capture in our next videos, but Comic Fiesta is our top priority now. we suspect some chaos will happen somewhere, and we hope we will be well prepared for the estimated 25,000 visitors on 22-23 december 2012!

our purpose of creating these videos is simply defined in BatsuとMaru channel/page description:

"A couple cosplayers from Malaysia, sharing our passion for cosplay, dolls and other Japanese interests with the world." - BatsuとMaru

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こんにちわ!Comments are welcomed. <3 Akiko~