Tuesday, 31 March 2009

a pair of two

since it takes forever for me to upload photos for two recent events (ACGC Tropicana and JRock no Tamashii) i think i'll just blog a teaser post before the actual ones.

ACGC 2009 @ Tropicana City Mall

here is a photo of two cute guys i met - their names will be withheld in case they are stalked for their likeliness. the left one is from sunway uni coll, the right one is from my college.

fraternal twins? brothers? dont they look alike?~

they have never met before ACGC, and even then i did not allow them to look at each other until they were close enough to get this photo. so you can see how their smile are almost similar naturally. (same hair parting too.) XD

JRock の Tamashii @ Republic Bar, Sunway

following the theme of this post, i shall share this with you too:

from left: me and minori at JRock~ (photo by dustyhawk)

in a totally unrelated event, here is someone who i resemble (but only when i have makeup, in a bar/club, and giving that full set of teef smile):

from right: amanda (coursemate) and her pwetty friend~ (photo by amanda)

*continues to edit photos and update the two events in draft*


nQw said...
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nQw said...

omg...u really look like her...but your eyes is slightly bigger...LOL

you should dress up as her during Halloween...hahaha

あきこ said...

steph also agreed we look alike. XD

and of course my eyes slightly bigger, i was wearing eyeliner.

theres no point in dressing up as yourself for halloween lah (since you say we do look alike, theres no difference even when i dress up).

MeLC said...

You look awesome with makeup!! And I spotted the lil beige and blue bag! =P

あきこ said...

mel> hahah~~ thank you!! it was free makeup session, lol. will that little bag be a trademark? look, its akiko! coz she has that lil blue-beige bag! XD

Audrey Juicy Tits said...

I know one of those two guys, the one on the right, he took the photos for my Avatar photoshoot! XD

あきこ said...

itomaki> thats wedraven! XD the (shorter) one on the right yea? sadly hes going overseas for studies this year like you too. so no gacc. lets hope we all meet again at CF09~

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