#1: thiiiiis far away...

#2: thiiis close...

#3: final attempt!

right after this shot, the traffic light turned green so i had no choice but to be content with three photos only. i quickly panicked as i needed to send them to TheStar ASAP, but i have no laptop and wifi in the car, nor do i have the camera USB cable! thanks to visha, we managed to view the photos directly from the camera's memory card in her laptop connection but i guess, the images were too large to upload with campus wifi.
after that, i noticed that the photos were rendered incompatible to view after i inserted the memory card back in the camera! so kilmenyanne and i went to her home and used her card reader to email directly to TheStar around 2pm. i thought it has becomed a norm to see broken public facilities in malaysia, so i did not expect them to publish my photo, what more as the winning entry.
today, after i got home, kilmenyanne rang me up and hinted me to check TheStar Thumbnails page. it turned out that my photo has been chosen as the winning entry of the day! *happy*
oh, the winning entry wins RM50 for the photograph. that means me. XD
now can belanja makan lolz
not really, i still owe people (need more cash out >__<), and im using this to pay an exam fee.
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