Tuesday 19 October 2010

yet another bad day..

when is it ever gonna get better? *cries*

this morning i was all dressed and ready to go for that singular class of the day (which was due to follow with an afternoon session in Times Square with friends) BUT the car had to break down before i could drive it past the first traffic light from home. just like that. it screeched loudly. it stopped. and it smells like burnt rubber (i swear i can still smell some of it now). i managed to drive the car back home slowly and that was the end of the day. (dude, i am NOT going to drive a screeching car 30km into the city!) so i skipped two classes this week already (yesterday and today). *cries more*

sucky days are just gonna get suckier. but they say third time is the charm, so perhaps a brighter day lay ahead? well, it better be! i have an all important interview coming up (way to go, i just jinxed it). such a horrible, terrible, incorrigible start to the week. at least i got to browse more Bodyline stuff.

i was browsing dA today and i came across this exceptionally good piece of print for Bodyline. the best part was the artist really truly works for Bodyline, albeit textile/fabric designer. she mentioned that it was probably due to be released in late-2010, but i hope it might take some time longer because i only ration myself to get one  Bodyline JSK yearly. take a look at her designs!

why i am interested in lolita? because it comforts me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

/me pats
actually i got expereience driving a sreetching car at 25km/h all the way from Bangsar to Service Center in Selayang
most people freaked out with the noise lol

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