CF day one:
as you know, (sheesh read previous post) i arrived a little after 3pm. reluctant to spend rm10 for a couple of hours in the event hall coz i dont have a camera with me (in the first place i was already late and i had to leave early to meet 'first batch' singapore relatives for dinner), i stood at the entrance of the CF hall waiting like im planning a way to sneak in without a ticket, which i was not! the security staff at the front entrance was giving me sigh-you-coming-in-or-not look.
so i guess i spent quite some time at the entrance. i bought two lovely blonde, one long and one short wigs off raincloud. bought ice cream for myself and yori's belated birthday which we had been waiting for a month already. bought CF day2 ticket. pulled yeewen and relyss out of the hall to show-off my bleached hair/wig and to say hi. bumped into yuiko for (cute white sakura) leg warmers. gave kclee a thrashing from wilddrive and another GE pal. (not all the aforementioned are in order.)
also, waited for BD coz he said to let him know when ive arrived.. mana tahu ada satu geng ikut dia bila kita jumpa. somehow i only remember greeting kenji and may. oh, and also a kurosaki ichigo cosplayer who had a complication with his ticket. i dont know what was it but i ended up entering CF hall in the end, coz i was in the right place at the right time. *wink*
there were so many people there i dont know why i was thinking about going back to sri sedaya school hall instead. (it would be crowded at any other hall.) long coats being stepped on; melting make-ups; wings smacking people; tails jabbing people at the wrong ends; wigs worn loosely; broken props, tight walkways due to
here's a few of my personal favourites (thanks to other cameramen and -women):

oh noes. k' and mello and kyo in one?? (i dint meet this guy) -photo by izumi ishtar
CF day two:
nyao! no, i wasnt a nekomimi cosser. but i did get out of bed at 12pm and kenji called to lodge a complain about the colour hair spray that i dint give him any intructions how-to-use. then TY carpool with my mum to times square for CF. this time day2, i went with camera (but no battery), costumes (not decided, so i brought two), wig (masih kurang mahir pakai), and CF ticket (bought on caturday). people, i dont have any cash left to buy you anything from CF coz they all went to my head. XD wig lah.
i spent like a zillion times (until past 3pm) trying to wear the new short wig perfectly and i wouldn't budge from the toilet until i got it almost right. it still wasnt right! thanks to edison i finally stopped hogging the toilet and he helped me with the wig. (it was entirely my fault i know. i spent many days practising to wear the one for day1, but this one i could only spent few hours on the night before day2.)
*zoom* broken first rule of lilian high school rules that all girls of grace walk, do not run, to where their destination is. met moomoocow, amaterasu, manjix and integra (they were present on day1 too), a few of my coursemates (including edison) and made new friends all over again. oh, met yuanie again~ ^__^
all in cf day2.. i did not have lunch (late breaky actually), did not watch cosplay chess (i was busy fixing my wig), did not collect freebies (except for the CF booklet), did not get ben's autograph (i dint even know he was there until i left!), did not feel like i covered the entire event (pardon my mass comm instinct although not like wow). but i met more people than CF06, saw a lot more great cosplays, and would like to dedicate this post to minori - have a very happy birthday! <3
p.s. photos later coz i dont have the USB cable to upload the pix from the digicam to the comp!
p.p.s. now editing the photos!
p.p.p.s. MY photos on next post~
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Me want piccies! =P
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